Friday 3 December 2010

What to do when you can't get to work ...

I would just like to let everyone know that I have the best husband in the whole wide world. He worked out the other day that the bread recipe was very doughnut like and as we had nothing better to do today, we have tested the theory!! I have even managed to inject them with raspberry jam. I did have a slight technical hitch to start with though, when the nozzle was too small and when trying to clear the blockage I ejaculated jam all over Andrew!!! Oops!! Unfortunately the car was unable to make the hill this morning. I should have realised that it was a very bad idea when the brakes did not work going down the first part of the drive. Half way up the hill, the car could not go any further and so I had to reverse back down, or rather slide back down, and abandon the idea. Although I am feeling very guilty, as the office is rather empty, I am not going to risk having a bad accident. The one down side of an extra day off is that the kids are unable to go either. They are being quite good though so far and have enjoyed eating the doughnuts!!! Take good care everyone and hope to see some of you really soon. xxx

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