Monday 2 March 2009

One week on, 5 arrive and 5 have gone.

Those who have been here will know that it's an eternal madhouse with people coming and going continuously. This week has been no different with the arrival of 5 of Janes ex-work colleagues all the way from Wraysbury.

Once again, plenty was eaten and drunk and everyone appeared to have a great weekend.

Unfortunately all 5 of us are suffering from really bad coughs and sore throats which has meant that not a lot has gone on over the last few days.

Josh and Kirsty are off to the cinema again on Friday with the school so fingers crossed they won't be coughing there way through the matinee.

The hedge laying has continued however I'm now running out of time. I need to finish everything I can before next weekend is over. After that we are into the main growth period for the Hazel, Willow and Hawthorn. Work will then have to stop until next January.

I will be shortly starting work on a proper toilet, accessible from outside, in preparation for May when once again we will be hosting our annual long weekend party.

If you fancy coming, get in touch and let us know so that we can make sure we have space and food prepared for you. There will be far more camping this year as the popularity of this event has grown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I hope your coughs are all getting better and that Josh and Kirsty don't end up coughing their way through the film.
I never went to the cinema with my school!!!

Sounds like you have a lot of hedge laying to do in a short time so I hope the weather holds for you.

Good luck with your toilet.
