Sunday 30 November 2008

Uh oh!! I start work tomorrow!!

Well, freedom is finally over, I start back to full time work tomorrow at 9am!! For those of you who don't know it is working for Credit Agricole in Caen. I am feeling decidedly nervous at the moment but I am sure by tomorrow morning I will be slightly calmer!!
The animals are settling down into nice routines now. At least I will miss some mucking out for a few days while I am at work. Well, I might do!! The pigs are now feeding out of our hands, the kids love them to bits already. Zorro now stands at the window to the pig sty looking longingly. I am not sure whether he just wants to play with them or whether he is thinking 'roast pork' too!!
Josh and Kirsty are nearing the end of another term at school. They are thoroughly enjoying the Christmas term and I enjoyed helping out last Friday making things for their Christmas fair. The only sad part of going back to work is that I will miss the fair itself, but I am sure their new nanny will be taking them. I will furnish them with plenty of money to buy all of their exciting wares. Peter of course will enjoy terrorising the fair I am sure. He is still spending his days causing trouble, having an afternoon snooze and then causing more trouble!!
Anyway, must go and rest before my big day, lots of love to all. xx


Anonymous said...

How was the first day at work?


Anonymous said...

Hope your first day went well, and your second one as well!!

Where is the fourth little pig?

Take care


Unknown said...

We can tell your working and Andrew is over here ....... NO NEW PHOTOS OR NEWS UPDATE111111

Anonymous said...

go jane go Jane GO JANE!! Well done you have done your first week of travail francais!!!! Clever girl!! Lots of love I and S and bump!