Thursday 13 November 2008

The Pig Sty is Nearing Completion!!

The boys have been doing an excellent job on the pig sty. We now have a door and a window!!!
The lady from SPANC arrived today and confirmed that the new septic tanks were all to an excellent standard. Works can now be completed on Saturday by the French team to put the garden back to some kind of normality. Hopefully we will have slightly less mud!!!
I had an excellent birthday yesterday. Thank you to everyone that sent cards, presents, emails etc etc. The children made me a lovely victoria sandwich cake as well. We went for a long walk around the village and Vicki took me for a cream tea. What more could I ask for? I made the mistake of letting Tony make me a vodka and tonic to go with the dinner that Andrew cooked. Not sure what he did to it but I did not want to get up this morning!! I have come to the conclusion that I must be allergic to alcohol!!
The children are into the Christmas spirit at school now. They have been learning new poems and making lots of treats for the Christmas fair. I am sure they are going to love Christmas in France, a whole new experience for all of us. At least we can have a huge tree this year without worrying where to put it!! We will just have to stop Zorro eating it or pulling it over!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jane
Love from
Tina and Shaun