Saturday 4 September 2010

Saturday & Sunday

We're still on last weekend and, the more I think about it, the less I recollect. After lunch on Saturday we returned to the diamond with some revised teams, knocking out another couple of games of ball in amongst vast quantities of humour and beer. After a few drinks, Kim had completely lost her fear of dogs and was getting on well with Sasha and Zorro. She also agreed to a peice of my pork which saved me having to cook chicken for her instead. Although the pig was one of the biggest we have cooked to date, we managed to demolish a fair amount of it. We were joined for dinner by some of our expat friends and the night just flew by. We went for a little night hike to loosen up a bit and help the beer go down, after which people slowly dissapeared off to bed. Sunday morning and crepes all round, as per usual for thos regular attendees. There was every intention for an early start on the field Sunday, and low and behold, we manged an 11am start again. The teams had been carefully selected for an even match up by Dave. For some reason we had about 16 players and he had 9, so a quick reshuffle and off we went. Somebody won, I think, and lunch followed shortly afterwards. Barbecued burgurs and sausages, nothing undercooked and no food poisoning that I'm aware of. The after lunch game brought a tear to my eye as Dave suggested reforming Thames Valley to take on the rest of the world. All of a sudden red shirts kept appearing from bags, and one sad player even found his old grey strides, no names hey norm. Thames Valley stormed to success at an amazingly slow pace, but we got there. A quick break and the arrival of some early dinner guests. On the menu for the evening was Paella and, fortunately for me, the girls had done all the prep so I returned to a stress free kitchen ish. Jane had been checking out who liked fish and who didn't and was rapidly knocking up a curry like substance to fill the shortfall. As I don't do stress anymore, we headed back to the diamond for a game of 3 hit rotational softball, which like most of the weekends games seemed to go on a very long time. It did mean that everyone got to play lots of different positions and get a couple of good hits of the ball. To be continued.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Had a great time and wish I could go back in time and do it all over again.