Friday 26 February 2010

Dressing up day

Thankfully we have reached the last day of the school holidays. It feels like an eternity of having the monsters here, probably emphasised by the fact that the weather has been completely pants. Today is no exception with gale force winds intermingled with torrential rain so I have opted for hibernation and a bottle of wine. The kids have decided to play dressing up today but I've had enough of the racket so I've evicted them. Seemed a good idea at the time until they managed to get a kite caught in the telephone wire. I hate kids. Tomorrow is sausage day and I'm really looking forward to trying my hand at making pucker pork sausages.Watch this space for news of how we get on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like the weather is just right for staying in and having a few bottles.

Homemade pork sausages sound good. Hope they taste good.

Was thinking of getting the kids some kites when I come over for the May holiday. Might have to rethink that.