Saturday 9 April 2011

Pythagoras eat your heart out

Angles, angles everywhere. Where's Fred Dibnah when you need a steeple jack? Well I've made a start on the complex tiling now. I'm reasonably sure that a snail could beat me to the top at my present rate of progression. I've finished tiling the skirt of the spire and I'm very happy with how it's looking. I'm toying with a few ideas for the next stage before I jump in feet first and head on up. This is possibly the hardest my brain has worked since I retired, barring those 6x6 Ken Kens on difficult. That topped off with the 25 degrees of sun means I'm throwing in the towel on the roof until later and I'm heading off to fix the chainsaws instead.


Anonymous said...

To think I was just going to ask for an update, and there you are going ESP on me!!!! Looking really good, I'm very impressed and not just because you're my son. Well done you. Have you tried a pizza yet?



Anonymous said...

The wisteria is looking good. Isn't it a bit too soon to plant melons outside?