Thursday 22 April 2010

Work, work and more work. Have a break........

As always, I've been working my not so little socks off. Mother in law and Tom have been trying to keep Peter out of my way and out of trouble but I really feel they're a little past it now. My recently constructed greenhouse has been one of many things to fall victim to the terrors of Peter this week. We have begun work fencing the field over by the church in preparation for moving the horse, donkey and goats in there to chew the grass down a bit. This will also free up the field by the pigs for hay this year. We have discovered and original entrance to this field opposite the church and are in the process of digging out years of tree cuttings and rubble that have accumulated in the gap. While the sun has been shining we have been planting vegetables galore. The first patch of onion sets is sprouting nicely, the radishes are poking their leaves through and we have one carrot leaf. The sweetcorn, garlic and beetroot are still to show their faces. If I can find some more bits of old wood, there will be another couple of beds going in later today for more onions and other bits. The bean poles are up and waiting for the seedlings to be transplanted from the green house, probably next weekend. Friday is Janes last day at work for a few months. Me being me, I have offered to cook samosas for her whole office. Sixty to be precise. An early start tomorrow should see them all knocked on the head just before Jane sets off to work. Monday is Peters birthday. Fingers crossed we have resolved the present issue, you'll have to wait and see Monday for pictures.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you have been busy.

Hope my card gets to Peter for his Birthday. Will bring him a present when I come over on 1 May.

Can't wait to see you guys.


Jane said...

Card is already here. We are looking forward to seeing you too. xx