Monday 24 August 2009

Another Day, Another Departure

Yet again we are saying goodbye today. I really hate goodbyes so in the future I am going to ban people from leaving. Aunty Kay (Kirstys God mother) has spent a few days here, winding down from her stressfull life in the rat race. She has been practising for a career change, with the long term objective of being a childrens entertainer.
The kids have been having a great time, cooking up various delights in the kitchen. Friday nights Pizzas were a real treat, each one hand crafted by the children. Peters was definately the prize winner though because it had everything on.
Saturday, I DJ'd my first French party as well as being roped into playing the Accordion for a whole bunch of people. By midnight I'd drunk nearly 2 cases of beer, and my later attempts at playing the accordion were riddled with errors.
Sunday was a stunningly hot day resulting in Peter stripping naked and climbing in the trough, closely followed by Kirsty and Josh.
This afternoon, we're off to Point Du Hoc to show Kay the German fortifications and let the kids run and climb off some energy. Then we're off to the port to say farewell.
Next arrival is Thursday when Grandma Irene is coming to us to help complete Peters Toilet training.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love my stair case where's the picture of the new bed you promised me!!!!!
