Friday 2 May 2008

May Holidays

The French appear to have a lot more holidays in May than we do in the UK. The children have only just gone back to school and have had a day off yesterday, for the 1 May, and have four more days off next week too!! Great!! We are now only 3 weeks away from party weekend/housewarming. Hopefully those of you thinking of coming have now booked your ferries and accommodation. If you haven't you need to let us know as soon as possible whether you are requiring tent space, floor space or for us to look for another bed and breakfast. We are getting really excited and are trying to plan the weekends events and food supplies. So far, we have a barbecue planned for the Saturday evening and a paella for the Sunday. If we are lucky we will be able to book a pig roast for the Sunday as well. The locals are already invited to the Sundays events, so make sure your French language skills are brushed up for the event!! Dictionaries and translators may be applied for on the day!!
We are also well under way with the new bedroom and bathroom. (Well, Andrew is anyway). There may even be an outside toilet available as well very soon!!
In case we have forgotten anyone Peter also says thank you very much for all of his cards and presents for his birthday. He had a lovely day. He is growing fast still and talking more every day. He is also getting into more mischief!!
Josh and Kirsty are still very settled at school. They now stay for school lunches and so far have managed not to starve, and enjoy most of the food, apart from the spicy carrots that Josh had!! Josh also goes to swimming lessons once a week from school, he loves it. Kirsty has stopped her riding lessons now, as since falling off in class a few weeks ago, she is a bit nervous. Josh however, is still going, and enjoying it most of the time!! It is Joshs birthday at the end of May as well so he is deciding what he would like!! He has murmured about saving for a Nintendo Wii, watch this space. By next week I am sure he will have changed his mind and decided that he wants another animal instead.
Sasha is still doing well. She is very heavily pregnant now, we should have some good news by the end of next week. She has got very slow and is eating more. According to Andrew her nipples are looking well and she is lactating!!!!!!!
Take care all and speak soon.

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