Saturday 28 September 2013

The end of summer

Well the weather has properly turned on us now and we have a week or so of wind and rain heading our way. I've been helping a few friends out with various projects which has made the past few weeks race by and I'm now getting focused towards doing some serious clearing and logging in the valley. There are a number of reasons for this, the key one being a lack of firewood for this year followed closely by the fact that we own land which to this day we have still not walked on.

Jane is about to start work on the next stage of advancement in her job. I've seen the size of the text book and borne witness to the anxiety already creeping up on her but, as always, I have total faith in her ability and am sure she will give it her all. I shall be the ever supporting house husband and keep my head down whenever necessary.

Kirsty has discovered that now she's at college fashion is everything. I foresee great expense coming our way as she continuously nags for new clothes, shoes,bags etc.... all so that she can be with the in crowd. Even Josh has been taking a slight interest in his appearance even wearing the occasional shirt in an attempt to attract the ladies.

Although I am suitably project mad, the usual shortage of funds or "sans argent" as I tell my French friends, has put pretty much everything on hold. The ideas continue to rumble around in my head though and as and when finances are available I will be all too keen to get on and spend them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and that is why uniforms are the way forward...