Friday 8 June 2012

Bridge Building and press repairs

A couple of weeks of comings and goings, parties and celebrations, way too much eating and drinking have finally come to an end with Gordy being the last to depart yesterday. All in all our jubilee weekend was immense and was spent in great company.

Dave, AKA Jesus, fulfilled his dream of owning a cider press. A 150 mile road trip resulted in the purchase of a 150 year old press in need of a little love and attention. Two days of work later, and just the one epic fail, the press was back in a usable condition once more and we all look forward to seeing the results of Daves first cider pressing.

We cooked a paella last weekend for all of our French friends and those english ones who chose not to wrap them selves up in the jubilee celebrations, then on Wednesday I cooked a pig for Dave and Chrissies house warming. Lots of people, lots of food and lots of booze. Awesome.

Presently I am working on building a bridge for the school end of term show. It is a representation of the "Pont Neuf" the oldest bridge over the Seine in Paris. At 4.5m long and with 7 arches, it has been quite a challenge. Thankyou Steve for your assistance at the beginning. Today saw the completion of the ramps so that the children can cross over it and tomorrow I will start work on the fascia, adding the crenellations and the balustrades. If I have time left at the end, I may even fit the street lights.

Lots of love to my darling wife today as we celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary. Bottoms up to another great year.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversay to you both. 16 years is pretty good going!! So glad you've had a great time. Bridge looks superb.

Much love

Mum Dad FiL and MiL


Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Love the bridge, when I first saw it I thought of all the Wraysbury props and guessed it was a cardboard prop for a school play, didn't realise the kids were going to walk over it, you're going to have fun getting it there!

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تعد خدمات التنظيف المتعلقه بالمنزل بصفه عامه ان الامور الهامه حاليا لما لها من ترابط وثيق بالصحه والقضاء علي الامراض وخصيصا تنظيف الخزانات والتي تعد من الضروريات حيث يجب تنظيفها بصفه دوري
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فان كنت عميلنا الكريم من الرياض او الخرج او جده فنحن نوفر لك افضل خدمات التنظيف العامه بمعدات حديثه وعماله مدربه

alsabaak said...

الكل يبحث عن افضل شركات نقل الاثاث بالرياض ولا يعى معنى كلمة الافضلية التى تعنى مدى خبرة عمالة الفك والتركيب الى جانب ادوات تغليف الاثاث ومدى الثبات الذى يتمتع به عمالة تحميل وتنزيل الاثاث الى جانب توفير افضل مستودعات تخزين اثاث بالرياض التى تساهم بشكل كبير فى الحفاظ على الاثاث اثناء عملية التخزين كما اننا افضل شركة نقل عفش جدة.

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