Sunday 26 April 2009

Three Years Old!!

I cant believe that three years have gone by since I was sat in my sister in laws living room, complaining about tummy pains and wondering why she kept looking to see what the time was!!! A few hours later I realised that she had been timing the contractions. Peter arrived the following morning, what a long night!!
It is of course Peters 3rd birthday today and he has had lots of fun already opening presents and cards. He is now settled down watching a new DVD with Josh, hmm, wonder how long that will keep him quiet?
Andrew and Kirsty have just left to pick up our latest acquisition, two new beds. On their return we are off to Peters favourite restaurant and then we are picking up some windows!!! What a busy day ahead.
Love to everyone and thank you lots from Peter for all of his presents and cards. xx


Lilyplum said...

Can't believe that the Little Mans' 3, where has the time gone ?

Anonymous said...

Peter seems to have got the hang of birthdays. What fun he's having.