Friday 18 April 2008

Welcome Magellan!

We have just taken delivery of our latest new friend. His name is Magellan. Magellan was a famous explorer like Christopher Columbus for you historians out there. He is the same age as Josh but a little bit bigger. Rosie has been so exicited all morning. The two have settled in well and we are hoping that they have a long and happy friendship. The goats are also pleased to see another four legged friend in their field.
The last two weeks have not been all work for us. We spent a lovely day with some friends and their grandchildren for starters. Bill and Maureen arrived for a day of fun and excitement with Adam and Charlotte. The children settled in very quickly to their days activities. Kirsty very kindly took Charlotte to the valley. Poor Charlotte was unaware that boots were necessary!!! She came back an hour later with Kirsty and Peter looking a tad muddy and wet. They had great fun though. Thankfully a pair of clean socks, trousers and shoes were found!! Josh and Adam disappeared for hours, playing either in the garden or making a railway track in the bedroom. Climbing trees and hiding from the girls was the flavour of the day. All of the children, including Maureen, enjoyed the quad bike and not to be left out Bill was allowed to cut the grass with the new ride on mower. He was a little bit distraught, as not only did it have a reverse gear, unlike his own, you can also empty the back without leaving your seat. AND you have a holder for your beer!!!!
We have also entertained the family of Monsieur Le Baron, our neighbour. His daughter was visiting for a week with her husband and son. They live in the beautiful mountains in Nice. The children played nicely and Madame Le Baron was brought to our house as well for coffee and brioche. She is a lovely lady. We were invited to Monsieur Le Barons the following Sunday for coffee and cake. A lovely time was had by all. Tasting the home made poire and calvados was not to be missed.
Anyway love to everyone and another update soon.

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