Thursday 23 April 2009


I am reliably informed that it is 29 days until the biggest party of 2009!!! The end of May should see the Larcombe clan coming together with their friends again to create mayhem in the villages and towns of Calvados. Hopefully this year should be bigger and better than last year. I am not sure how, but we will think of something!! I have invited lots of friends from work on the Sunday so I will need to be on best behaviour for at least part of the weekend!!! (If you have not booked your space give us a call or send us a message.)
The weather in Normandy this week is fabulous. We have had glorious sunshine and Andrew and the children are sporting the new sunburnt fashions! Apparently, I have to put some special cream on Andrews neck this evening to make it better. Should prove an interesting night!!!!
Today is also St Georges Day and more importantly Grandma Irenes birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma Irene, we love you!!!

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