Saturday, 29 March 2008

A new mower and Carnaval!!!

We have had another two weeks of fun. Easter came and went very quickly, luckily we still have lots of eggs to remind us. Peter, however, is making a good impression on eating them! Steve and Laura left us on Easter Monday and made it back to England in one piece.
This week we have cleared more of the driveway, let the chickens run free in the garden and mown lots of grass. We still need to mow it because although they are allowed out the chickens still prefer to stay in their new house!!
Our new arrival of a ride on lawn mower is most definitely useful. Once you have got used to the speed (!!!) it is great fun. Apparently I will be able to go in third gear by the end of the summer! Josh unfortunately needs to put on a few stone before he can drive it as he is still too light to make the seat connect!! The lawns are now looking very trim, now all we have to do is get rid of the nettles.
Riding lessons have continued and Rosie also now has a bridle to go with her saddle. Josh and Kirsty now have no excuse not to ride every day. Josh still does not bother with a saddle though, he prefers to go it alone with just the headcollar.
There is still plenty of work so those willing to lend a hand are still most welcome. Don't forget the housewarming at the end of May as well. Let us know if you are coming so we can plan the festivities.
Take care all.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all of the happy bloggers. Hope you have a great time. We have had a brilliant week, with Irene as a surprise visitor for a whole week and Steve, Laura and Madison visiting us for the Easter weekend. The weather has not been the best as we have had thunder storms, hail storms, snow, rain, sleet, wind ....... The list could go on I am sure. However, none of that has mattered as we had some great visitors. Rosie now has a fully functional saddle but no bridle!! One day we may have the full set.
We have ten new babies added to the family this week. Four red, four grey and two white!! Yes, you guessed it, chickens. Andrew has finished the chicken house and we were able to take Grandma Irene to help choose chickens at the market. The run is nearly finished too, just the hinges to add to the gate and it will be complete.
Steve is also Joshs hero. He fixed the quad bike!! Hooray. Josh is now the proud owner of a fully functional Christmas present.
Steve also helped to fix the rotavator!! I think he is looking to be chief mechanic on the farm!! A job title that he has earned himself well this weekend.
Love to all and more news soon. xxx

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Another two weeks of excitement!

We have just about survived another two weeks without Andrew and we now have a legal pony!!! From January of this year all horses and ponies should have passports, Rosies is now on the way. She is chipped and vaccinated, ooooo!! Kirsty and Josh have been at the riding school again, they even managed to fall off this week in style. They both survived the falls and got straight back on again.
The weather has been as bad here as in the UK, we have had loads of hail storms, thunder storms and very strong winds. Hopefully, they have now died down. We seem to have come out unscathed this time. The worst thing that happened was that Andrews nice clean road is now full of mud and stones again. Oh well, shovels out again.
Peter is still growing fast and learning to speak both languages. He will now say 'Bonjour' to everyone and 'Au revoir' when he feels like it!! He loves Rosie to bits and will quite happily go and brush her with the others. He always checks on her when he wakes up and shouts goodnight to her before going to bed.
Hope all of you readers are well and just for those of you worried about Kirstys welfare, the stone has now fallen out!! Not on her head though!! xx

Saturday, 1 March 2008

The End of the Fortnight!

The end has come of an eventful two weeks. We now not only have a new pony, we also have television again.
Rosie has settled in well and is hoping that we get her a friend soon. The kids are in love with her already and it appears that she loves them too. She stands for hours being groomed and petted.
We are all looking forward to our next visitors at Easter and are now preparing for the return to school on Monday.
Love to all. xx